جراحی کیسه صفرا برای سنگ کیسه صفرا
UPDATE 3/30/15: An updated animation about gallbladder surgery is now available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffoKThdqo4I
This 3D medical animation shows minimally invasive gallbladder surgery, or cholecystectomy, using a laparoscope to remove gallstones. The animation begins by showing the normal anatomy of the liver and gallbladder. Over time, gallstones form within the gallbladder, blocking the cystic duct, and causing the gallbladder to become enlarged and inflamed. The procedure, sometimes called a "lap-chole", begins with the insertion of four trocar devices, which allow the physician to see inside the abdomen without making a large incision. Air is added to the abdominal cavity to make it easier to see the gall bladder. Next, we see a view through the laparascope, showing two surgical instruments grasping the gallbladder while a third severs the cystic duct. After the gallbladder is removed, the camera pans around to show that the cystic artery and vein, have already been clipped to prevent bleeding.